Minggu, 24 Mei 2009


Windows can be built in tw ways. You can either build a new window from scratch, or you can build a windo that inherits some of its characteristics from an existing window. INHERITANCE is described later. Inheritance can be a powerful time saving tool if it used correctly. The following types windows are used in power builder:
• Main
• Respone
• Popup
• Child
• Multiple Document Interface frame (MDI)
• MDI frame with Microhelp

Main Windows are stand alone windows that are independent from all other windows. You can use main window as the anchor for your application.
Respone Windows are used to get repone from the user. A typical respone window is sometimes known as dialog boxes they enter into a dialog with user.
Popup Windows are often to display additional information on a screen inside a window that already open. They are useful from the point of view that they operate under the jurisdiction of parent window which takes care of a lot of the window management problems.
Child Window are similar to popup windows in that they exist only within a parent window. Chiled window have tighter link with the parent window.
MDI or MDI with Microhelp Window is used to open multiple windows, called sheet, within a single parent window. The user is able to move freely from sheet to sheet and take care of a lot of the tricky window management issues for the programmer, such as closing all of the MDI windows when the parent is closed. MDI frame window is a window with several part a menu bar, a frame, a client area etc.

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