Senin, 25 Mei 2009


As in many programming languages , naming conventions have emerged.The management of many objects becomes imposible if they are not named according to convetion.Naming convetions are particulariy important when working in a them with other developers.

While your organization very likely will have its own naming conventions, there are several dlfauts that are used in powerbuilder. You are not forced to us these defaults but most developers do.

Naming Convention for Object

These prefixes may appear as defaults when you create an instance of these object
Type Of Object Prefix
Window w_
Menu m_
User Object u_
Datawindow dw_
Function f_
Structure s_
Query q_
Project p_

Naming Convention for Control
When you place one of these controls in a window for the control.

Type Of Control Prefix

Checkbox cbx_
Commandbutton cb_
Editmask em_
Dropdownlistbox ddlb_
Groupbox gp_
Radiobutton rd_
Singleline edit sle_
Statictext st_

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