Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

How dOES Your website/blog could enter among the search engine result Page (SERP) especially in Google ? (Good SERP)

How so that website/blog could enter among them serch engine result Page (SERP) that was good especially in Google? .

1. Inbound Link
Even more website that nge-link to blog you then will be increasingly easy to get the good position in SERP Google. So try to get your blog content contained something that made blog other link to your blog content.
2. Hight Quality Link
Google always support link that had a quality compared with the quantity (the number). Will be better if got link that one topic with website we were compared got link outside topic web that wanted to be loaded by us his SERP position. If we got link from blog was believed that many blog other link to blog this, will be more influential in the SERP position compared with got one link from website that only had a little of Inbound Link.
3. Link Building
In the process optimasi blog, when achieving the position that was hoped for, occasionally we began to be lazy at searching inbound link. Blog/Website other could seized the SERP position from our hands because they always continued link building.
4. Avoid Link Paid
Google ask for so that webmaster to report if having the site that did paid links with filled form available in Google Webmaster Tool. So if we did paid link (we will pay the person in order to be inbound link from they website ) and was that reported to the Google side then ready-readied to get the penalty from Google by reducing the SERP position.

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